Support Information:
Support hours are 15:45 to 20:00 Mon-Fri and 10:00 to 20:00 Sat-Sun.
Setting up.
We can do almost all of the set up for you, for example, we can create your report layouts, import your pupils and add your teachers.
For new schools click here.
For existing schools click here.
Use the help system.
At various points in the program, there are help icons, these are usually symbolised by the standard Windows white on blue 'help' question mark.
Sometimes you will see a button with the word 'Help', you can click this button to bring up help specific to that section of the program. When viewing the main program screen you can also press the F1 key to view the Help file.
Want to view the help now? Click here to check it out...

You can e-mail us.
If you can't resolve your problem using the help system, contact support by e-mail.
The email system is checked regularly, so under normal circumstances, we usually reply the same day.
As a last resort, telephone the sales line.
After trying help and if e-mail or messaging isn't suitable, you can contact us by telephone.
(01772 369311 or +44 1772 369311 if outside the UK)
Facebook Messenger.
If you use Facebook then you can always send us a message via Messenger. Look in the corner of this website for this icon '' and click it...