Single User Pricing and Licence Information
Licence Information
Single-user licenses are available as an annual licence or a discounted multi-year licence. Schools are not allowed to use multiple single-user licenses.
With this licence you can create up to 40 active students that are shared between your account and any jobshares you create.
Licence codes are sent out automatically on payment.

Purchase a Licence:
Prices include VAT at 20%.
How to install the licence code:
First time users start the program and enter the voucher code rather than a licence code, see:
If your licence has expired then when you try to login then you will be prompted for a new voucher code.
The jobshare licence:
If you want more teachers to be able to access and edit your reports then you can add a jobsshare licence, the licence is linked to your main licence and will last as long as you keep renewing that main licence (you only pay once).